Member Spotlight — Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed — News

Member Spotlight

Access Nature Goes Statewide!

The Pineland Preservation Alliance (PPA), the New Jersey Division of Disability Services of the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DDS), the Edward J. Bloustein School, and Duke Farms have come together to lead a statewide effort to make recreating in nature a part of the lives of everyone in our state regardless of disability. The inspiration for this came from The Pinelands is for Everyone project, which has evolved into the new statewide Nature: Accessible for All initiative that brings in new activists and partners to the cause. PPA received critical funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to facilitate this campaign.

Nyraysia Robinson joins the National Wildlife Federation as the Thrive Outside Greater Philadelphia Fellow

Join us in welcoming Ny, the new Thrive Outside Greater Philadelphia Fellow! Ny has graciously agreed to share insights about her work in a blog, and we encourage you to take the opportunity to learn more about her.

Philly parks champion Justin DiBerardinis tapped to lead Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership (TTF) has named Justin DiBerardinis as its new executive director. DiBerardinis will sustain the nonprofit’s award-winning work protecting and improving its namesake 30-square-mile urban creek system, and he will grow efforts to create culturally resonant outdoor experiences through community and business partnerships in North, Northeast, and Northwest Philadelphia and eastern Montgomery County.

Tacony Creek Park Map Available in Seven Languages

Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership (TTF) is proud to announce that maps for Tacony Creek Park, the city’s 300-acre watershed park that was created in 1915 to protect Tacony Creek, are now available in seven languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Haitian Creole, Arabic, and Khmer. These are the languages spoken the most by residents living in the neighborhoods surrounding the park.

Welcome Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley, CDRW's newest member!

Promise Neighborhoods is an anti-violence and anti-poverty organization. We are black led, anti-racist, women centered, liberation based grassroots organization focused on community health and well-being. We take an epidemiology-based approach to address the systemic issues most affecting marginalized communities of the Lehigh Valley, including environmental health and justice.


Meet CDRW’s New NJ State Lead, Katie Perrone!

It is no surprise that the power of the Coalition comes from our 180 member organizations. More specifically the many talented, passionate, and dedicated individuals who work at those organizations and are making an immense difference in improving the health of the Delaware River Watershed - from the headwaters down to the Delaware Bay.


TTF Watershed Partnership receives Growing Greener Grant to improve stormwater management at Congregation Adath Jeshurun in Elkins Park, Montgomery County

Philadelphia, PA ( January 20, 2023)- Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership, Inc. (TTF) is proud to announce it was awarded a $260,788 2022 Growing Greener grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) for a stormwater retrofit project at Congregation Adath Jeshurun (AJ) in Elkins Park, Montgomery County. This watershed improvement project is one of ten Growing Greener projects in the Southeast Region that were awarded a total of $2,119,504 to aid in protecting waterways and watersheds.


Meet CDRW's New DE State Lead, Robin Glazer!

It is no surprise that the power of the Coalition comes from our 180 member organizations. More specifically the many talented, passionate, and dedicated individuals who work at those organizations and are making an immense difference in improving the health of the Delaware River Watershed - from the headwaters down to the Delaware Bay. Recently, the Coalition welcomed Robin Glazer, our new Delaware State Lead and Environmental Advocate for Delaware Nature Society.

At the forefront of our work are the Coalition’s State Leads - who are responsible for convening and organizing work around Coalition priorities, while also looking for emerging issues that may need Coalition support. Our State Leads also work to ensure that Coalition members are knowledgeable about basin issues and engage with the larger membership to help solve them.
