Restoration Funding
The Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed identifies and advocates for robust federal restoration funding to support restoration and protection needs in the watershed. The Coalition also serves as the voice for equitable and successful implementation of funding programs, including the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program, while engaging a broad constituency.
The Coalition’s restoration funding priorities include advocating for:
The legislation makes it easier for small, rural, and disadvantaged communities to engage in restoration projects.
This bill provides financial and technical assistance to states, territories, and the District of Columbia for the purposes of (1) recovering species listed as a threatened or endangered species under the Endangered Species Act or under state law, or (2) avoiding the need to list species under such laws.
Funding the Commission can increase its capacity for research, applied science, monitoring, modeling, outreach and more, and accelerate work in water quality, water resiliency, water availability and water equity.
Advance grant funding to protect, enhance, restore, and manage waterfowl, other migratory birds and other fish and wildlife, and the wetland ecosystems and other habitats upon which they depend, consistent with the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. Learn more about NAWCA. Access the NAWCA Fact Sheet here.
Maintain support for a federal program that has a wide range of benefits for water quality, open space, and recreational access across the Watershed as well as work towards the Biden Administrations 30x30 initiative. Learn more about the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Support for America’s farmers, ranchers, and forest stewards through a variety of safety net, farm loan, conservation, and disaster assistance programs.
Federal-state partnership that provides low-cost financing to communities for a wide range of water quality infrastructure projects
Improve Delaware River Estuary's water quality and promote water equity for all communities who depend upon the Estuary’s resources
related blogs, news & Resources
CDRW Priorities: Land and Water Conservation Fund (December 21, 2021)
The DRBC: Making Connections to the Delaware River for 60 Years (November 18, 2021)
Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed Celebrates $11.5 Million in Grants to Improve the Health of the Delaware River Watershed (September 20, 2021)
Bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act Introduced in Senate Will be a Game Changer for At-Risk Species (July 21, 2021)
Pennsylvania Shortchanges Delaware River Basin Commission Again in FY22 Budget (June 29, 2021)
New Jersey to Fully Fund Delaware River Basin Commission in 2022 Budget (June 23, 2021)
Land & Water Conservation Fund Webinar, hosted with Appalachian Mountain Club
House Passes Infrastructure Bill: Includes $26 Million for Delaware River Watershed Restoration Efforts (November 5, 2021)
Senator Carper and Governor Carney Join Conservation Organizations to Highlight Christina River Project Supported by Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund (August 23, 2021)
Senate Passes Infrastructure Bill: Includes Investment in Delaware River Basin Restoration Efforts (July 29, 2021)
Biden FY22 Budget Includes Funding for the Delaware River Restoration Program (June 10, 2021)
“The Delaware River Basin is a national treasure of great cultural, environmental, and ecological importance.””