PA Members — Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed — News

PA Members

Championing a Statewide Agenda for Protecting and Restoring Pennsylvania’s Waterways

The Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed joined PennFuture, the Choose Clean Water Coalition, members of the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition, and other Pennsylvania partners in Harrisburg on May 7th for Clean Water Education Day. 

Tacony Creek Park Map Available in Seven Languages

Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership (TTF) is proud to announce that maps for Tacony Creek Park, the city’s 300-acre watershed park that was created in 1915 to protect Tacony Creek, are now available in seven languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Haitian Creole, Arabic, and Khmer. These are the languages spoken the most by residents living in the neighborhoods surrounding the park.

November 2nd: Berks Nature Releases 15th State Of The Environment Report At Annual Breakfast, Attended By Over 300

Now, 15 years later, Berks Nature has published updates to these data in the State of the Environment 15-Year Report for Berks County. The publication in tandem with the 15th Annual State of the Environment Breakfast offer a valuable opportunity for reflection in which we celebrate the inspiring work and collaboration already underway, address the environmental threats to our county that still require a real investment of effort and attention, and consider how we as a community can move forward towards a more sustainable future.