diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (deij)
A healthy Delaware River Watershed is not just ecologically sound waters, wildlife, and habitat - it is one that provides equitable access to clean water, land, outdoor recreation, and economic opportunity to all communities. CDRW deeply acknowledges that embedded in the environmental movement, and society at large, are systemic oppressions resulting in disproportionate environmental impacts on marginalized communities. It is the duty and imperative of CDRW to take action to address these issues - the Watershed, CDRW's work, and society as a whole, are not healthy until the unequal burdens placed on marginalized communities are actively prioritized and addressed. To ensure a truly healthy watershed, CDRW commits to cultivating a Coalition that reflects the spectrum of identities within the watershed, provides equity in decision making, creates belonging among all members, and actively addresses ecological debt.*
*Ecological debt is experiencing the highest impacts of climate change and environmental degradation but not being responsible for causing these impacts or accelerating climate change. - Jessica Hernandez PhD, “Fresh Banana Leaves”
What does D, E, I, and J mean in the Coalition?
Action: Diversity is the practice of valuing the spectrum of interconnected identities and ways of being as an intrinsic asset within CDRW and across the watershed, with particular emphasis on marginalized identities.
Result/Vision: A Coalition that reflects, integrates, and celebrates the spectrum of identity and thought present in the Watershed.
Action: Equity is the practice of addressing inherited ecological debt* and the roots of disparities in marginalized communities to ensure access to environmental benefits as a priority of our advocacy efforts. Within CDRW, equity is addressing structural and cultural barriers to create the foundation needed for justice and ensure all voices, especially marginalized communities and identities, are centered. Equity infuses an understanding that environmental efforts do not automatically benefit everyone and must be crafted intentionally to address outcome disparities.
Result/Vision: A Coalition that actively centers marginalized communities and identities, maintaining the structure and culture necessary to address and prevent outcome disparities. Equity brings together diversity and inclusion, ultimately serving as the vehicle for justice.
Action: Inclusion is the practice of intentionally creating a culture and structure where individuals, members, and communities experience belonging, can be their authentic self. It requires cultivating and applying intentional behaviors based in understanding the impact of power and privilege. It means challenging frameworks, removing blind spots, reimagining operations, and creating space for different ways of thinking.
Result/Vision: A Coalition that effectively supports diversity and innovation by sustaining a culture and structure where individuals, members, and communities experience belonging, respect, and consideration. Each person is able to bring their authentic selves and are valued for their unique identities and perspectives. Spaces, events, community, and conversations are intentional, with the needs of varying identities considered and accommodated. Members demonstrate advanced skill in considering and integrating the needs of identities beyond their own.
Action: Justice is the practice of taking direct action to repair current and a legacy of systemic environmental degradation which has disproportionately impacted communities and identities most marginalized within society.
Result/Vision: A Watershed where environmental degradation is greatly reduced, equity is applied to environmental burdens and benefits, environmental injustices and the systems causing them are remedied, and a better future is actively invested in. Working with marginalized communities to achieve Environmental Justice benefits is central to the goal of a healthy, protected Watershed.
2022 DEIJ Actions and Goals
Provide a platform that empowers members to do the foundational internal work to advance DEIJ
Serve as a DEIJ resource hub and support system for members
Develop systems and accountability to ensure DEIJ is centered throughout the Coalition’s work
Identify and advocate for state and federal policies that address environmental justice
Identify and address gaps in representation of our membership and partnerships
Create synergy with DEIJ efforts across the Watershed
Address internal structure, develop a DEIJ lens, and create a 3 year actionable road map with Tribesy Consultants
DEIJ Resource Hub
Explore our resource hub to support your journey of effectively advancing DEIJ in all aspects of your watershed work. You’ll find applicable tools, educational materials, funding opportunities, and dedicated pages for key areas of DEIJ integration:
-Individual learning
-Internal organizational practices
-External engagement
-Communications and digital media
Featured Resources
DEIJ Lens and Screening Tool
Centering DEIJ is integral to the quality and sustainability of the watershed work we all do.
To create a support system for both organizations and individuals to effectively center and integrate DEIJ, CDRW's DEIJ workgroup has developed the DEIJ Lens and Screening Tool.
Learn how to use this powerful tool, practice applying it, and come away more supported in your DEIJ journey.
DEIJ TOolkits
CDRW’s Internal Organization Toolkit contains information to support internal organizational growth such as organizational governance, promoting DEIJ in the workplace, fostering an inclusivity, and recruitment and retention.
Our External Engagement Toolkit contains information on mapping exercises, community engagement practices, communications, conferences, external programming, identity-specific resources, DEIJ in rural areas, and community centric fundraising.
Join the DEIJ Work Group
Open to all CDRW members, the work group convenes twice a month to support individual growth and collaborate on DEIJ efforts. Contact us to join!