Over the past few weeks, the Coalition has been hard at work focusing on appropriations for the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program and getting ready for our big trip to DC next month. Continue reading for more on what we're up to, exciting member news, a new resource to help you enhance your member lists, plus our usual roundup of events, funding, and job announcements.
Coalition News
CDRW Goes to DC – We hope you can join us for our Annual Delaware River Watershed Hill Day on April 4-5th in Washington, DC. As many of you may have heard, the President has proposed big cuts to conservation programs for the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay, so it’s more important than ever for us to have a strong, united voice in support of the Delaware River Watershed! For more information or to sign up, contact Madeline Emde.
Delaware River Basin Restoration Program Appropriations – The U.S. House of Representatives is circulating a Dear Colleague letter requesting funds for the DRB Restoration Program. The bipartisan letter, calling for robust funding for the program, is led by Congressman Costello (PA-6) and Congressman Boyle (PA-13). Our staff has reached all members of the watershed’s delegation to encourage them to sign on and will be working with our workgroup to ensure a strong showing from our representatives. We've also shared several opportunities with our members in NJ and PA to submit individual appropriations requests for the program to Reps Dent, Cartwright, Evans, and Watson Coleman. Thank you to everyone who submitted one!
Clean Water Rule – About two weeks ago, the Trump administration signed an Executive Order that directs the Army Corps of Engineers and the EPA to rescind and revise the Clean Water Rule. Several of our members have spoken out to hold President Trump accountable for his promises of “crystal clear water” while taking action to roll back clean water protections (National Wildlife Federation blog, Delaware Nature Society letter to the editor). If you are interested in writing a letter to your local newspaper, please let us know – we’d be happy to provide support, background information, or help you write it!
Elevating Water to its Rightful Place as a National Priority – Coalition Director, Maddy Urbish, recently attended a meeting in Washington DC to discuss strategies for elevating water issues nationally. The event, hosted by National Wildlife Federation and National Parks Conservation Association, brought together national and regional organizations working on water issues to begin mapping out a strategy based on other successful efforts including the public lands movement, anti-bullying campaigns, and the movement for marriage equality. Our coalition will continue to participate in these efforts and provide updates to you all as this work develops.
Member News
Member Spotlight: UrbanTrekkers
Watch how UrbanTrekkers is connecting Camden youth with the Cooper River!
Searching for Trout on the Kittatinny – Learn about Trout Unlimited's efforts to survey and protect streams in Eastern Pennsylvania in this new blog.
New Jersey Audubon calls on Congress to defend the Endangered Species Act – Read more in this letter to the editor by CDRW steering committee member, Kelly Mooij.
Delaware Master Gardeners take part in Water Warrior workshop – Check out this article that discusses the importance of clean water and the Clean Water Campaign led by the Delaware Nature Society and the Clean Water Alliance.
Time for spring cleaning in the Delaware River Basin – The DRBC has put together a list of events and cleanups going on in the basin, with many from our member organizations including Darby Creek Valley Association, Pennypack Ecological Trust, and more! Check out their full list here.
3rd Annual Celebrating Women in Conservation Awards, April 7th– PennFuture and National Wildlife Federation (NWF) are celebrating the accomplishments of five women in conservation. At the event, Sue Currier, former Executive Director of the Delaware Highlands Conservancy and CDRW steering committee member, will receive the Woman of the Delaware River Watershed Award. Edie Stevens, a board member of CDRW member Brodhead Water Association, will receive the Woman with Lifetime Achievement in Conservation Award. Congratulations Sue and Edie!
Member Resources
Get Your Member List "Enhanced:" Conservation Voters of PA and New Jersey LCV invite you to participate in their next List Enhancement. They will match your supporter list to the national voter file, and return demographic, geographic, and constituent model scores. It can mean more phone numbers, DOBs, county and other geographic insights to help you strategically segment your supporters!
Files are due Friday, March 24. Contact kristin.zilcosky@conservationpa.org with questions and find out how to get started.
Upcoming Events
3/22 Rainwater Harvesting
3/25 Annual Red Clay Valley Clean Up
3/25 Abbotts Marshland Clean Up
4/4 Delaware River Hill Day
4/9 TTF's Annual Healthy Trails 5K run/walk
4/8 Copeland Seminar: Attracting Birds & Wildlife To Your Garden
4/15 Musconetcong Watershed Association's Spring Clean Up
5/6 Pennsylvania Land Conversation Conference - register by April 15
5/8 River Rally- early bird registration ends April 7
Wetlands Reserve Enhancement Partnership, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – The USDA is investing up to $15 million in technical and financial assistance to help eligible conservation partners voluntarily protect, restore and enhance critical wetlands on agricultural lands. Restored wetlands improve water quality downstream and improve wildlife habitat, while also providing flood prevention and recreational benefits to communities. Funding will be provided as a part of the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), a Farm Bill conservation program. Proposals must be submitted to NRCS state offices by April 24, 2017. For more information, click here.
Delaware Highlands Conservancy Scholarship – Every year the Delaware Highlands Conservancy awards two scholarships to local high school seniors, the “Delaware Highlands Conservancy/Yeaman Scholarship” and the “Vanessa Van Gorder Memorial Scholarship,” both in the amount of $1,000. For more information, click here.
Advocacy Campaign Manager, Delaware Nature Society (DE) – DNS is seeking a Campaign Manager to lead a collaborative effort to build public awareness around the importance of water quality, increase and protect funding for wildlife, and improve or reform legislative and regulatory actions related to energy sustainability. For more information, click here.
Mid-Atlantic Policy Manager, The Appalachian Mountain Club (PA) – AMC is seeking a policy manager to lead their government affairs and coalition-based work on conservation and recreation issues in the Mid-Atlantic Region. For more information, click here.
Part-Time Lab Positions, The City of Wilmington (DE) – Two temporary and part-time positions are available to assist with water sampling and testing. For more information and to apply please email Martha Narvaez at coh@wilmingtonde.gov.
Teacher Naturalist, New Jersey Audubon Society (NJ) – NJA is seeking a naturalist to provide natural science programs to schools, interested groups, and the general public. For more information and to apply, click here. Applications due April 15th.
Air Quality, Energy, and Sustainability Internship (unpaid), New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJ) – During their internships, students have an opportunity to explore the various AQES offices, as well as present their research and findings to upper management. For more information, click here. Applications due March 31.
Conservation Leadership Academy (PA) – The Lacawac Sanctuary is hosting a week-long residential camp for high school students filled with fun, adventure, and hands-on learning. The camp begins Sunday, June 25, at Lacawac Sanctuary which is near Lake Wallenpaupack. The camp will accept 16 students and those interested are invited to apply by April 28 for Conservation Leadership Academy. For more information, click here.