CDRW Updates
CDRW Annual Member Meeting – We had a big turnout at last week's meeting with over 50 individuals, representing 40 of our member organizations. The meeting was a great opportunity to catch up with many of you and to reflect on all that we have achieved together this year! Below is a quick summary of the day, you can also view the presentations online.
Our staff provided the group with an overview of our accomplishments and quick look towards what we have ahead in 2017, including our Annual Delaware River Watershed Hill Day coming up April 4-5. Steering Committee member Grant La Rouche of National Wildlife Federation then walked us through our 2017 priorities, which were approved unanimously by the Coalition by voice vote.
Kristin Zilcosky of Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania/New Jersey League of Conservation Voters gave a great talk about a new project they are working with CDRW on to provide resources to our member organizations. Find out more in our member resources section below.
The day wrapped up with an update and discussion on the new Delaware River Basin Restoration Program led by Michael Slattery and Sheila Eyler of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. We have been working closely with them to make sure the nonprofit groups doing on-the-ground work have a voice in what this program looks like and this was a great chance for them to hear directly from some of our members.
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us last week!
CDRW in the News – Check out this op-ed on the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act from our very own Maddy Urbish in the Star Ledger, including a big thank you to Senator Cory Booker for his leadership in Congress.
DRBC Meeting Updates – Maddy Urbish recently attended two DRBC meetings on behalf of the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed; the Regulated Flow Advisory Committee and the DRBC's most recent Public Hearing.
RFAC – For the past five years NY, NJ, DE, PA, and NYC have failed to reach a required unanimous agreement on a long-term improved Flexible Flow Management Plan (management plan for the NYC Delaware River basin reservoirs), resulting in five consecutive 1-year extensions of an unchanged plan. At the most recent meeting, New Jersey announced that it is "not able to commit to a one-year extension of the current FFMP, as other options are being more seriously considered if reform is not achievable." Read more about what this means in an update from our partners at Friends of the Upper Delaware.
Public Hearing – The DRBC held a public hearing on Feb. 15th that was filled to capacity by groups and individuals opposed to natural gas drilling (hydraulic fracturing or fracking) in the Delaware River Basin. Shortly prior to the meeting, news came out that there was a meeting with DRBC Commissioners in which they "provided direction to the commission related to the next steps for regulatory actions" around natural gas drilling, though the details of those directions are still not public. Many people made public comments during the meeting on the 15th urging the DRBC to not lift the moratorium on drilling in the watershed. You can read a more detailed report by the Associated Press here. There is a business meeting scheduled on March 15th and the DRBC recently announced that all of the public comment slots have been filled - you can view the agenda here
Member & Watershed News
Welcome to our newest members!
Dr. Jaclyn Rhoads Named 2017 Environmental Advocate of the Year – The Beyond the Glass Ceiling Awards Gala presented by the National Association of Women Business Owners, South Jersey chapter, named Jaclyn Rhodes the 2017 Environmental Advocate of the Year. Dr. Jaclyn Rhoads has been a longtime champion for one of our Coalition's member organizations, Pinelands Preservation Alliance, as their Assistant Executive Director. She is also the President of another one of our members, the Darby Creek Valley Association. Congratulations Jaclyn!
The William Penn Foundation Names Shawn McCaney Executive Director – Shawn McCaney joined the Foundation in 2003 and most recently served as director of national initiatives and the Foundation’s Creative Communities grant program. He served as interim executive director since November 2016. “The board of directors and Haas family are delighted that Shawn will serve as our leader. His depth of experience, insight, enthusiasm, and commitment to the Foundation and its work render him an ideal choice,” said William Penn Foundation Board Chair Janet Haas.
Delaware Highlands Conservancy Earns National Land Trust Accreditation – Delaware Highlands Conservancy has been working throughout the Upper Delaware River region since 1994 and has renewed its land trust accreditation. The Delaware Highlands Conservancy has protected nearly 15,000 acres of working farms and forests, clean waters, and wildlife habitat to date in Pennsylvania and New York, and offers year-round educational programming to connect people to nature and cultivate stewardship of regional lands.
Member Resources
Upcoming webinar:
- Wednesday, March 1 at 11 am-12 pm
Please contact to RSVP and receive call-in instructions.
Webinar: Public Health Impacts of Nitrate and Other Drinking Water Contaminants – In case you missed it, National Water Quality Monitoring Council gave a webinar entitled: Public Health Impacts of Nitrate and other Drinking Water Contaminants: Implications for Source Water Protection." The webinar discussed research supporting linkages between long-term exposure to nitrate in drinking water and certain cancers, as well as other pertinent topics to source water protection and nutrient pollution. If interested, you can watch a recorded and transcribed version of the webinar at your convenience here. The slides from the presentation are also available on their website.
Academy of Natural Science Releases New Mapping Tool – ANS recently rolled out the Stream Reach Assessment Tool (SRAT), which displays nutrient loading, land use, and point source data across the Delaware River Basin. Check it out at
Upcoming Events
3/1- Protecting & Promoting National Parks & the Delaware River
3/1- Webinar: Learn About a Series of New Constituent Data Models
3/1- One Water Webinar: Thriving Cities Tackle One Water Management
3/5- 2017 Pennsylvania Statewide Conference for Watershed Organizations
3/10- 2017 Delaware Estuary Corporate and Community Partner Breakfast
3/15- Public Hearing: DRBC Draft Resolution to Recognize Significant Water Quality Improvements in the Delaware River Estuary
3/16- Strengthening Your Advocacy and Community Organizing
3/4- Pennsylvania Land Conservation Conference
3/8- River Rally
Find more events on our calendar.
Resilient Communities Program – Wells Fargo and National Fish & Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) just launched the Resilient Communities Program, designed to prepare for future environmental challenges by enhancing community capacity to plan and implement resiliency projects and improve the protections afforded by natural ecosystems by investing in green infrastructure and other measures. The program will focus on water quality and quantity declines, forest health concerns, and sea level rise. The program will emphasize community inclusion and assistance to traditionally underserved populations in vulnerable areas. Pre-proposals are due March 30, 2017. For more information and to apply, click here.
Scholarship: 2017 Stream of Learning Scholarship Program – PA American Water is now accepting applications for students living in Pennsylvania American Water’s service territories who are charting a course of study in specific fields, ranging from engineering to environmental science. The company will award scholarships of $1,000 each to 10 students who are selected through the program’s application process. Applications are due March 24. For more information and to apply, click here.
The Land Conservancy of New Jersey's Scholarship Program – Two scholarships are awarded: the Russell W. Myers Scholarship and the Rogers Family Scholarship. Applicants must be studying environmental science, natural resource management, conservation, horticulture, park administration, or a related field will be selected. Applications are due April 1. For more information and to apply, click here.
Mid-Atlantic Policy Manager, the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) is seeking a talented and enthusiastic conservation advocate and public policy professional to lead their government affairs and coalition-based work on conservation and recreation issues in the Mid-Atlantic Region, based out of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. For more information and to apply, click here.
Conservation Programs Manager, The Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association is seeking a manager to oversee and support key conservation programs of the Watershed that bring together our land and water resources management work with community education and engagement. Application deadline: March 1, 2017. For more information and to apply, click here.
Program Coordinator, New Jersey Future is looking for a Program Coordinator to focus on communications, serve as staff to implementation committees, and administer member relations for Jersey Water Works -- a large and growing collaborative that is mobilizing members to transform the state’s inadequate water infrastructure. For more information and to apply, click here.
Environmental Education Intern, Pocono Environmental Education Center is looking for an intern to handle responsibilities such as planning and delivering education programs, developing program activities, and administrative duties. Internship length will be 3-4 months with a weekly stipend plus room and board. For more information and to apply, click here.
Stewardship Project Director, New Jersey Audubon Society is seeking a Project Director for the Cape NJ area to lead a team of conservation professionals as they work to conserve and restore wildlife and habitat across three broad landscapes; forests and farms, coasts and wetlands and cities and towns. For more information and to apply, click here.
Outdoor Supervisor Position, Musconetcong Watershed Association is seeking a part-time position for March - September to assist in caring for the native plantings at the River Resource Center as well as coordinate volunteers for outdoor work, prepare plants and materials for MWA's Native Plant Sale, and more. For more information and to apply, click here.
Public Works Engineer I, The City of Newark's Public Works and Water Resources Department is seeking a dynamic and technically skilled engineer to join its vibrant progressive operations. Application is due by 4:00 p.m. Friday, March 3, 2017. For more information and to apply, click here.