Advocating for Clean Water, Outdoor Access, and Wildlife Conservation During Hill Day 2024

Advocating for Clean Water, Outdoor Access, and Wildlife Conservation During Hill Day 2024

March 13th, nearly 60 members of the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed met in-person with Members of Congress in Washington, DC for our eleventh annual Hill Day to educate offices on key policy and funding priorities that support conservation and restoration in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. 

Capitol Hill Centers Attention on the Vital Cause of Clean Water in the Delaware River Basin

Yesterday, March 13th, nearly 60 members of the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed met with their members of Congress to urge support for the protection, restoration, and conservation of the Delaware River Watershed.

Nyraysia Robinson joins the National Wildlife Federation as the Thrive Outside Greater Philadelphia Fellow

Join us in welcoming Ny, the new Thrive Outside Greater Philadelphia Fellow! Ny has graciously agreed to share insights about her work in a blog, and we encourage you to take the opportunity to learn more about her.

Philly parks champion Justin DiBerardinis tapped to lead Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership (TTF) has named Justin DiBerardinis as its new executive director. DiBerardinis will sustain the nonprofit’s award-winning work protecting and improving its namesake 30-square-mile urban creek system, and he will grow efforts to create culturally resonant outdoor experiences through community and business partnerships in North, Northeast, and Northwest Philadelphia and eastern Montgomery County.

Supporting the Outdoors for All Act and Bridging the Park Equity Gap

Shared green space is an essential part of healthy, resilient, and connected communities, yet 1 in 3 Americans do not live within a 10-minute walk of a park. Often, the country’s poorest neighborhoods have the fewest parks. Trust for Public Land and the Appalachian Mountain Club believe everyone deserves quality outdoor space and are committed to ensuring park access for every ZIP code.   

The National Park Service’s Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership grant program (ORLP) is an important tool for bridging this park equity gap. Established in 2014, ORLP is funded through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) as a nationally competitive grant program available to municipalities of 30,000 or more residents.​

Environmentalist Applaud Bill to Include Climate-Change Threats in State-Hazard Mitigation Plan Becoming Law.

TRENTON – The following statements are from Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey LCV and Kelly Knutson, Director, Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed regarding Governor Murphy signing into law bill 1530, which requires state and county hazard mitigation plans to include climate change-related threat assessments in hazard prevention and mitigation strategies. 

Unified Voices for Change: PennFuture, CDRW and Choose Clean Water Coalition's Joint Effort in Enhancing PA Department of Environmental Protection's Environmental Justice Policy

In November, PennFuture, CDRW and the Choose Clean Water coalition, who works primarily in the Chesapeake, collaborated to draft and submit a joint coalition sign on letter commenting on updates to the Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) interim final Environmental Justice Policy The formal public comment period closed on November 30, 2023, and now DEP is working on a comment-response document for comments received during this period. 

The 2024 & 2025 Priorities of the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed

The 2024 & 2025 Priorities of the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed

With valuable input from numerous stakeholders and Coalition members, we've honed in on our shared goals for 2024 and 2025.

The forthcoming initiatives are poised to pave the way for transformative advancements across both the federal and state levels. Let's dive into the overarching themes that will shape the Coalition's efforts in the upcoming years.