Trenton, NJ (July 21, 2022) - Late last week in a 220-206 vote, the House passed the Delaware River Basin Conservation Reauthorization Act (DRBCA), included in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Coalition applauds the made in order amendment that was offered by Rep Evans (PA), Rep Fitzpatrick (PA) and Rep Blunt Rochester (DE) to the NDAA.
House Passes Recovering America’s Wildlife Act
In a 231-190 vote on June 14, 2022, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA).
This legislation will dedicate $1.4 billion annually to proactive, locally-led efforts to recover thousands of at-risk wildlife species, while creating jobs and prioritizing the outdoor recreation economy at a time when our country and planet are facing a biodiversity crisis.
Testimony for the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act, Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed
The below testimony from Kelly Knutson, Director of the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed, was submitted for both hearing records in the Senate Environment and Public Works committee along with the House Natural Resource subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife.
On behalf of the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed, I write in support of S. 3767 ― the Delaware River Basin Conservation Reauthorization Act ― which provides a framework and resources for advancing protection and restoration of the ecologically and economically significant Delaware River Basin.
Senator Carper and Governor Carney Join Conservation Organizations to Highlight Christina River Project Supported by Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund
Wilmington, DE (August 20, 2021) – U.S. Senator Tom Carper and Delaware Governor John Carney joined conservation partners in Wilmington today to celebrate the Christiana and Brandywine River restoration and resiliency project funded by the Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund. Another important step in the on-going work to improve Wilmington’s riverfront area with clean healthy rivers and attractive places for people and wildlife.
Senate Passes Infrastructure Bill: Includes Investments in Delaware River Basin Restoration Efforts
(TRENTON) - In a 69-30 vote, the U.S. Senate has passed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Various ecosystem restoration programs are listed in the bill, including $26 million of supplemental funding for the Delaware River Basin to be administered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service over five years.
American Rescue Plan Funds - An Opportunity for Historical Water Infrastructure Investment
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provides $350 billion dollars in emergency funding for state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments which can be utilized to invest in water infrastructure. Municipal leaders are beginning to discuss the use of American Rescue Plan funds. This is an opportunity for Coalition member organizations to urge state and local governments to prioritize investing in water infrastructure projects to meet the demands for safe, accessible water and sewer services in the face of the climate crisis.
Biden FY22 Budget Includes Funding for the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program
(TRENTON, NJ) - President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2022 budget includes a proposed $10 million for the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program. In response, Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed Director, Sandra Meola, issued the following statement:
“The Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed is thrilled that the President’s fiscal year 2022 proposed budget includes a $10 million request for the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program. This inclusion in a President’s budget is a historic first for the Program and amplifies the immense need for investment in our region to improve water quality, resiliency, wildlife habitat, and access to outdoor recreation.”
Focusing on Federal Clean Water Advocacy During Hill Week 2021
Every year the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed heads to Washington D.C. to educate Members of Congress about key policy and funding priorities that support conservation and restoration in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. While COVID-19 restricted travel to the Capitol this year, the Coalition adapted and transformed Hill Day into a virtual Hill Week. During the second week of March 2021, 71 participants from Coalition member organizations, including 12 constituents, took part in the virtual Hill Week. These participants met with 31 out of 32 congressional offices that represent the watershed.