12th Annual Delaware River Watershed Forum Unites Conservation Organizations, Advocates in Bethlehem, PA

Photos of the event.

Coalition of 190 Organizations Reflect on the Conservation of the Delaware River & Plan for the Future of the Watershed

Bethlehem, PA — The Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed (CDRW) held its 12th Annual Delaware River Watershed Forum in Bethlehem, PA on Thursday, September 26th  and Friday, September 27th. Over 200 people attended, bringing together organizations and individuals spanning the four Delaware River Watershed states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and New York, to collaborate and build capacity for environmental conservation. The Delaware River Watershed provides drinking water to 14.2 million people (about 4% of the U.S. population), including 5.7 million Pennsylvanians.

"Since the Coalition's founding in 2012, we've made significant strides in gaining national recognition for the Delaware River Watershed by advocating for policies that ensure its protection,” said Grant LaRouche, Steering Committee Co-Chair for the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed and founding member. “Now, as we gather for the 12th Annual Forum, we stand united as over 190 nonprofits, committed to safeguarding the watershed's future. This Forum offers a vital opportunity for collaboration and innovation, as we work together to address challenges like climate change, habitat conservation, and equitable access to clean water for all communities.”

"I'm thrilled that the Delaware River Watershed Forum is bringing focus to Bethlehem," said Mayor J. William Reynolds. “As a city at the forefront of the Lehigh Valley's revitalization, Bethlehem is leading with bold investments like our $10 million commitment to enhancing pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and our ambitious approach to climate resilience. We’re a success story of progress and innovation. Our vision for Bethlehem as an equitable, prosperous, resilient, healthy and inclusive city is a message that resonates with watershed stakeholders and the future we all want to create."

The 12th Annual Delaware River Watershed Forum centered around the power of collaboration and partnership in addressing the region's most pressing environmental challenges. With over 200 in attendance, the Forum underscores that collective action is key to protecting the Delaware River Basin. The focus on working together reflects the understanding that long-term solutions to watershed issues can only be achieved through cooperation, shared responsibility, and a unified vision for a healthy and sustainable future.

"As we gather for the 12th Annual Delaware River Watershed Forum, I’m reminded of the immense power of collaboration across our four-state region,” said Christina Ryder, Delaware River Basin Restoration Program Manager, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “This event highlights not only our shared commitment to safeguarding the watershed's resources, but also the innovative solutions that arise when dedicated individuals and organizations work together toward a common goal. The Delaware River is more than just a vital water source that provides drinking water to millions; it supports critical wildlife habitats, drives a robust natural resource economy, and offers essential access to nature, providing respite to all who enjoy its natural spaces. Together, complementary efforts in environmental stewardship and community resilience will advance the needs of people and wildlife."

“DCNR recognizes the importance of partnerships in land conservation and stewardship,” said Dr. Claire Jantz, Deputy Secretary, Conservation and Technical Services. “The Coalition for the Delaware Watershed has been instrumental in fostering the partnerships that have resulted in so many notable successes. DCNR is proud to support and invest in protecting the watershed and we applaud the leadership of the Coalition as we navigate into the future.” 

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Executive Director, Tim Schaeffer, encouraged attendees to proactively and strategically seize the momentum of the broadening interest in water-based recreation. “Connecting people to rivers, creeks, and lakes at new and improved boat access is making outdoor recreation, and the water quality upon which it depends, relevant to local governments of all sizes throughout the Delaware Watershed. That relevance is enhanced by building the bench of the next generation of conservation leaders, who reflect and understand their local communities.”


The Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed was formed in 2012 to protect and restore the land and waters in the Delaware River Basin. We amplify the collective power of 190 member organizations and other stakeholders as we advocate for a healthy and protected watershed with an inclusive, unified voice. The Coalition convenes member and non-member organizations, builds capacity, coordinates communications, and advances policy at the federal and state levels. For more information, please visit www.delriverwatershed.org.

Contact: Meagan Birkenmaier, Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed, meagan.schaefer@delriverwatershed.org, 609-330-4883