Coalition Announcement: CDRW’s Priority Setting Process to Become Biennial

To continue momentum on objectives that member organizations set, the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed (CDRW) will be moving to biennial priority setting and revamping the process in 2023. 

Over the past ten years, the Coalition has learned how to create and activate a collective voice to address the watershed's largest challenges. That all starts with our member organizations, who set our priorities and the reason our voice is so strong. 

By shifting how our priorities are determined, the Coalition can better focus on what matters most to you and the watershed. As part of this effort, the Coalition will work to position itself as a thought leader on select issues and differentiate where our network drives policy decisions and where it plays a supporting role in advancing issues forward. 

Below is context on why that decision was made and clarity on how this new process will present itself in the years ahead. Should you have any questions about the change in CDRW’s priority process, please reach out to Kelly Knutson, Director of the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed at

Why Switch to Biennial

In September 2022, the Coalition’s Steering Committee―comprised of sixteen member organizations across the basin―voted to approve a two-year process to determine policy priorities for CDRW.

Prior, the Coalition would open an annual nomination form where organizations could solicit their ideas on work for the year ahead. Alongside members, staff would co-create workplans to determine common objectives that the Coalition would pursue. Based on feedback received, oftentimes our aspirations require long-term Coalition building and cannot always be completed within a year’s time frame. 

To best support member organizations with priorities set in 2022, the committee has extended CDRW’s work on these issues throughout 2023. Given this decision, the Coalition will not formally conduct a submission process in 2023 and will instead continue our current slate of watershed-wide work on both state and federal levels into the new year. 

What to Expect in 2023 and 2024 for Priority Setting

In the coming months, the Coalition’s Steering Committee will begin reviewing our existing priorities through the adopted DEIJ lens and Screening Tool. Through these discussions, the committee will determine where CDRW is leading the narrative, where staff can play a supporting role, as well as removing priorities that no longer align with the Coalition's strategic direction. To increase transparency, the tiered outcomes from these meetings will be shared with all Coalition members. 

Where an established workgroup or state-based member call exists, staff or state leads will facilitate a review of 2022 objectives set, celebrate any achievements made, remove any outdated actions, and update with relevant priorities as needed. For these conversations, please stay tuned for calendar invites via respective list-serves. 

At this time, staff aspire to conduct the 2024 priority nomination and selection process prior to the September 2023 Forum, and integrate collaborative workplan development for each priority into the Forum agenda. By doing so, the Coalition will be positioned in 2024 to hit the ground running by maximizing our conference to better collaborate and align ourselves on shared goals in the basin. 

Launching a New Priority Nomination Form on CDRW’s Website

Staff acknowledge that issues of interest may arise outside the two-year priority nomination process. To accommodate, we’re providing a space on CDRW’s website to ensure that our member driven work is relevant and reflects opportunities to advance a healthier watershed. In the new year, the Coalition will launch a nomination form on the website that will be open year-round. Member organizations may submit sub-priority areas of focus or resource needs that align within CDRW’s watershed-wide work on either the state or federal levels. 

On a monthly basis, these nominations will be presented to the Steering Committee for approval and to determine what role the Coalition will play in supporting these efforts moving forward. Decisions will be made based on capacity and whether the action furthers the Coalition’s thought leadership, among other factors determined by the committee. 

Issues outside of the Coalition’s current slate of priorities will be determined on a case-by-case basis. All nominations should be discussed with Coalition staff prior to submission to determine whether a request is feasible for the committee to consider. 


On behalf of CDRW staff, we look forward to continuing our great work into 2023 along with supporting member organizations on our shared watershed-wide and state policy goals.  

We want everyone to understand and be able to join CDRW in addressing our priorities. 

This new process will help us get there by allowing staff to provide more in-depth support to advancing our common goals and positioning CDRW as the thought leader on the issues we serve. Through assessment and refinement of the Coalition’s priorities, our messaging and ability to influence will become stronger which aids in our mission of advancing a healthier basin.  Together, we will further elevate the Delaware River Watershed and the Coalition as a national model for stakeholder collaboration, effective lawmaker engagement, equitable policy advancement, and strategic communications.

Please stay tuned for 2022 workplan review calls and the launch of our nomination form in the new year. As outcomes from these discussions unfold, we’ll be sure to update members on revisions to priority objectives made. 

Again, we invite you to reach out with questions on the change to a biennial process. 

Thanks for your ongoing support of CDRW! We appreciate all that you do. 

Kelly Knutson


Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed