Delaware Water Advocates Celebrate Funding During Economic Downturn

Delaware Water Advocates Celebrate Funding During Economic Downturn

By Laura Miller, Environmental Advocate at Delaware Nature Society (DelNature) and CDRW Delaware State Lead


Months of uncertainty made securing clean water funding particularly challenging, but Delaware’s water advocates are happy to be celebrating important wins thanks to their persistent and resilient advocacy!

2020 began like no year experienced recently – not only because of a novel disease spreading on the other side of the world, but because for the first time in Delaware’s recent history our Governor and General Assembly leadership united in support of dedicated and sustainable clean water funding, proposing a $50 million investment in clean water in January. For over five years, DelNature, Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed members, and water advocates throughout Delaware have been advocating for legislation to do just that.


Twice such legislation, referred to each time as the Clean Water for Delaware Act, failed to pass through the legislature.

Despite setbacks we continued to advocate, knowing that increased clean water funding for Delaware’s waterways, many of which are tributaries of the Delaware River, would help better manage stormwater and wastewater, protect drinking water, reduce flooding, and help improve wildlife habitat.

We continued pressure on decision-makers to address the 90% of Delaware waterways considered impaired by remedying the $100 million annual deficit, and encouraged a third Clean Water for Delaware Act. This bill, HS1 for HB200, would manage clean water funding holistically, and was introduced with a proposed $50 million investment in clean water in the Governor’s budget. With overwhelming support from decision-makers and the public, the bill easily passed out of the State House Natural Resources committee.


As we prepared for a State House floor vote on the bill, a new challenge hit: COVID-19. Legislative Hall was not exempt from the shutdowns sweeping our region and did not open again for nearly three months. With only a month remaining for the part-time legislature, leadership decided to only address bills necessary to fighting COVID-19 or passing the State’s budget, which stalled the Clean Water bill. This, combined with the challenge of an economic downturn brought upon by the virus, meant that the state was facing a $450 million deficit in June, so Delaware’s clean water advocates changed course.

Now that the $50 million investment in clean water proposed in January was rescinded; we shifted our ask accordingly to $25 million; the original amount we sought in 2019. It was clear that clean water must remain a priority during the pandemic to protect those without access to safe water in their homes and for the many people finding peace by Delaware’s waterways during this time.

Clean Water Week 2020 (1).png

Rather than gathering for in-person advocacy events like our annual Clean Water Rally or a HS1 for HB200 House vote, we shifted online by hosting a virtual Clean Water Week. Members and other advocates came together to plan the week around supporting funding and equity work on virtual and social platforms.

We celebrated the end of our week of online activities, learning opportunities, and “asks” with the news that Delaware’s final budget included $23 million for clean water and conservation: $13 million for clean water, $1.6 million of which are dedicated to low income and under-served communities, and $5 million each for the Open Space and Farmland Preservation Programs.

While this fell short of our ask, we are grateful for our champions in Legislative Hall who fought for such funding in a difficult financial climate. We also received commitments from Legislative Leaders the Clean Water Bill will be re-introduced when the legislature reconvenes in January 2021.

Just like in years past, we will take this win and use the momentum to make even more progress in the upcoming legislative session. We will continue to advocate for dedicated and sustainable clean water funding, even in the face of unexpected challenges.

The progress we have made so far is thanks to the unwavering support of clean water advocates, like Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed members. If you are interested in getting more involved, please consider joining our newly instated Delaware member monthly calls that are available to member organizations. For more information about Delaware member monthly calls, email Laura Miller.