The Delaware River Means “Life”: Meet the Final Contest Winners

The Delaware River Means “Life”: Meet the Final Contest Winners from Fall 2019

By Kimberly Witt, Appalachian Mountain Club, Mid Atlantic Policy Manager

Ryan L. submitted this photo of his crew enjoying a fun summer day on the Delaware River, and it won this season’s judged contest.

Ryan L. submitted this photo of his crew enjoying a fun summer day on the Delaware River, and it won this season’s judged contest.

Annie O.’s photo of her and her dog Izzy (pictured above) captures another precious moment in the Delaware River. Annie submitted this photo to highlight how important the river has been to her pup, and the Delaware River Means community loved it. T…

Annie O.’s photo of her and her dog Izzy (pictured above) captures another precious moment in the Delaware River. Annie submitted this photo to highlight how important the river has been to her pup, and the Delaware River Means community loved it. The submission received the highest total number of votes for the “Life” contest.

The Delaware River Means contest brings people together around enjoyment and experience of the river, and provides the chance to win great outdoor-themed prizes! The season’s contest kicked off on Labor Day 2019 and prompted entrants to share a picture of how the Delaware River means “life” to them. To increase the odds of winning, this year there was two ways to win: secure the judge’s vote or secure the popular vote on the Delaware River Means Life contest website.

The winning selfie by Ryan L. (above) shows that you can fit yourself and nine of your favorite Delaware River lovers in one frame, including a stunt person bringing action to the shot as they’re about to plunge into the water! The photo depicts a group of friends enjoying themselves because of the recreation and adventure offered by the river. The judges thought the smiles, excitement, and togetherness exemplified time spent on and near the river making treasured memories that last a lifetime.

When learning that he had won the judged Delaware River Means “Life” contest with his photo, Ryan L. remarked, “We had a lot of fun that day (and many others) on the Delaware.”  With his new light-weight, yet strong aluminum Quickpack picnic table, he is ready for more fun times spent outdoors with family and friends. Who doesn’t want to hang out with their friends by the river after seeing Ryan L.’s photo? We sure do!

Ryan L. showcasing the prize he received for winning the judge’s vote in the Delaware River Means LIFE contest.

Ryan L. showcasing the prize he received for winning the judge’s vote in the Delaware River Means LIFE contest.

 “This means so much to me. I really entered the contest for my pup,” said Annie when she found out that that she had won. The prize for winning the popular vote was a pop-up sun shelter for all those days spent in the warm rays by the water. Annie spends a lot of time hiking and camping along the Delaware River, and she takes pictures and records videos of her many excursions. From Bulls Island in New Jersey to Mount Minsi in Pennsylvania, she gets outdoors and experiences all the Delaware River Watershed has to offer. Her dog Izzy grew up by the Delaware River and the two spent many beautiful days on it, like the one pictured in the winning photo above.

Annie O. won a pop-up sun shelter for securing the popular vote win in the Delaware River Mean LIFE contest.

Annie O. won a pop-up sun shelter for securing the popular vote win in the Delaware River Mean LIFE contest.

The Delaware River offers top-notch outdoor recreation opportunities, which enhance life and bring people together, and it serves many additional life-sustaining functions. The Delaware River Watershed provides drinking water to four states and provides habitat and food for resident and migrating wildlife species. The watershed is home to the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, more than 400 miles of National Wild and Scenic Rivers, and six National Wildlife Refuges. The many photo submissions collected from residents and visitors through the Delaware River Means contest show how these outdoor spaces provide opportunities for fun, family, and freedom. The Delaware River means different things to different people, and that’s what the Delaware River Means contest seeks to show.

The Delaware River Means contest is a sponsored by Appalachian Mountain Club in partnership with the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed and PA/NJ League of Conservation Voters. Get in on your chance to win great prizes and celebrate the Delaware by joining in the next contest, to be announced soon. You can also check out all of the #DelawareRiverMeansLIFE submissions in the online gallery and join the community on Facebook!