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Grant Assistance Program

  • University or Delaware- via zoom (map)

August GAP Drop-In Hours

Thursday, August 15, 2024

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Via Zoom Meeting

IPA's Grant Assistance Program (GAP) is hosting virtual drop-in hours every month.

Join us on Zoom for a discussion with the GAP Team and the University of Pennsylvania Water Center, the EPA Region III Water Technical Assistance provider, to learn about technical assistance and funding opportunities related to water quality.

Speakers will include representatives of Delaware Health and Human Services (DHSS), Delaware Rural Water Association (DRWA), and the Southeast Rural Communities Assistance Project (SERCAP), and breakout sessions will be held for in-depth discussions about drinking water, surface water, wastewater, and infrastructure issues.

Can't stop by our virtual hours? No problem! Schedule an appointment today using our direct booking page. If you have questions or would like to contact us, we can be reached at