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Philadelphia Master Watershed Steward Info Session, Online


Penn State Extension and the Philadelphia Water Department are now accepting applications for Philadelphia’s fall 2020 Master Watershed Steward training.

The program provides participants with extensive training in environmental science. After completing the classes and volunteer hours required for certification, Master Watershed Stewards educate their communities about watershed stewardship based on university research and recommendations. Register here for this online event.

Philadelphia’s 2020 Master Watershed Steward training classes will take place on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. beginning September 15. Classes will be offered both remotely with optional in-person field trips at partnering environmental organizations throughout Philadelphia. The training program will conclude in mid-December. The fee for the training program is $70. Scholarships are available based on financial need.

Established to strengthen local capacity for protecting watersheds by educating and empowering volunteers across the commonwealth, the program is now represented by over 500 participants in 17 Pennsylvania counties. Master Watershed Stewards have collectively contributed over 41,000 volunteer hours improving Pennsylvania watersheds. Master Watershed Stewards receive 40 hours of training on topics including water quality, stream health, stormwater management, native plants, wildlife and geology. After completing the training session, stewards fulfill 50 hours of volunteer service.

In subsequent years, Master Watershed Stewards can maintain their status through 20 hours of volunteer time to watershed projects or programs and attending a minimum of 10 hours of advanced training. Examples of projects and programs include designing and installing demonstration rain gardens or streamside plantings, teaching children about stream ecology, and organizing educational workshops that address such topics as backyard conservation or homeowner stormwater management. To learn more about the Master Watershed Steward Program attend an information session or contact Erin Frederick at Register here for the information session.