Join Delaware Highlands Conservancy for an overview of their volunteer Eagle Watch program followed by visits to actual monitoring sites. The winter Eagle Watch program runs through January and February, weekends only. Volunteers cover morning or afternoon shifts.
Main monitoring areas are Mongaup Reservoir and the Delaware River at Minisink Falls and the Zane Grey boat launch at Lackawaxen. Volunteers are also needed to help staff field offices on weekends. On site, volunteers collect data on wintering eagles and resident pairs. They educate the public in “Eagle Etiquette” and on how to have the best eagle watching experience. Volunteers are also needed to help staff booths, do workshops, and participate in other eagle-related events.
New volunteers will meet at 9am at the Inn at Lackawaxen. Then, both new and returning volunteers will gather for a continental breakfast and training session from 10:30am-12pm. From 12pm-1pm, attendees will visit the eagle viewing areas.