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Fall Love Your Park, Philadelphia, PA


Join Friends of the Wissahickon in their final steps to opening up a beautiful new trail system at Wissahickon Valley Park!

Many of the older trails in the park have been identified as unsustainable, which means they erode easily, and often times weren’t built to properly drain water. This creates muddy trails. Earlier this year, the park closed off a piece of unsustainable trail that had been rerouted with a beautiful new section of trail.  They are now ready for the fun, final phase in giving that old trail back to the forest: planting! Come on out and help plant a slew of native trees and shrubs!

Workdays will be cancelled in the event of heavy rain or snow, thunder and lightning, high winds, etc.

Please meet at Mr. Airy Avenue Trailhead.

For more information, and registration for the event, click here!