The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Office of the Secretary, Environmental Finance, and Delaware Health and Social Services Division of Public Health, Office of Drinking Water, will host a public workshop from 10 a.m. to noon July 14 at the Kent County Administrative Complex, 555 S. Bay Road, Dover, in preparation for the development of fiscal 2017 project priority lists for the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Funds.
Workshop participants will learn about the CWSRF and DWSRF program changes and infrastructure financing tools, including:
— One-stop loan application process for Wastewater and Drinking Water Infrastructure Project Assistance.
— CWSRF and DWSRF program loan interest rates, currently 2 percent.
— Land conservation and water quality improvement loan sponsorship programs.
— Source water protection loans for drinking water supplies.
— Wastewater, drinking water and stormwater facilities matching planning grants.
— Community water quality improvement grants.
— Asset Management Plan development incentives.
— Project planning advances.
— Expanded eligibilities for privately owned businesses.
In addition, detailed information will be presented regarding how and when to submit projects for funding consideration, project ranking criteria, project construction requirements and how to apply for infrastructure planning grants.
To RVSP, email or call 717-739-9941.