Tomorrow's stormwater solutions will need to meet broad watershed goals, provide benefits to the local community, and be flexible in the face of a changing climate…all without a big price tag. This daunting task has stormwater managers looking to green infrastructure for a cost-effective, multi-benefit alternative to concrete and steel, and open to creative ways to raise the capital to install those projects.
This webcast will summarize highlights from a new report “Economic Instruments to Support Investment in Green Stormwater Infrastructure” released in April by Storm and Stream Solutions LLC and Willamette Partnership, in collaboration with the WEF Stormwater Institute. The development of this report included an interactive two-day workshop with over 40 professionals from the stormwater, water quality trading and environmental markets sectors. The report is designed to help communities leverage market forces to spur cost effective implementation of green stormwater infrastructure and utilize new sources of investment, especially in the context of challenging scenarios, such as implementing stormwater retrofits and enabling investments on private parcels. The webcast will explore a suite of policy tools, known as “economic instruments,” that recognize and deliberately work within the market. Speakers will focus on specific examples including incentive, rebate programs, trading, and mitigation programs, along with policy barriers and opportunities to widespread implementation of these approaches.
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