The Upper Delaware River Tailwaters Coalition and Friends of the Upper Delaware River (FUDR) are working on an new project to develop a first of its kind Stream Corridor Management Plan in Delaware County below the NYC Delaware River basin reservoirs. This plan will serve as a blueprint for the future management and protection of the region's critically important water resources.
As part of this effort, FUDR will be hosting a series of public workshops that will highlight the values and functions of waterways in Delaware County and the important social, economic, and cultural benefits they provide to communities and people.
What is a Stream Corridor Management Plan and Why We Need One is the first series of meetings and will address the basic components of stream protection and how they impact people, communities and wildlife.
Meeting Locations:
- Thursday, September 29 - Hancock Town Hall, 661 W. Main St., Hancock, NY
- Friday, September 30 - Colchester American Legion Hall, 6644 River Rd, Downsville, NY
- Monday, October 3 - Deposit State Theater, 148 Front St., Deposit, NY
- Shelly Johnson-Bennett, Delaware County Planning Department
- Wayne Reynolds, Delaware County Department of Public Works