Our next monthly CDRW PA member call is Thursday, October 27 at 3:00pm (call-in number 609-447-2401; no access code).
Call agenda:
- State policy update.
- Stream Resignations in the watershed – Dave Kinney, Trout Unlimited.
- Delaware River Watershed Forum – follow-up.
- DRBCA update.
- Member news, events, and information sharing.
DRBCA Sign-On Letter (extended to 10/21): if your organization has not already done so, please contact Maddy Urbish (madeline.urbish@njaudubon.org) to sign on now (see attached). CDRW has worked hard to pass the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act (DRBCA), a bill that would support dedicated federal funding for projects that benefit the watershed, ranging from habitat restoration to education. This year, we've seen incredible progress in Congress and it has a realistic chance of passing by the end of the year. It's critical that we demonstrate a unified coalition on this important sign-on letter.