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Water, Water Everywhere!

Join Friends of the Upper Delaware River and our coalition partners at "Water, Water, Everywhere" on October 19, 2016

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Friends of the Upper Delaware (FUDR) and the Upper Delaware River (UDR) conservation/business community made significant progress in 2016 in our efforts to protect and restore the cold water ecosystem and help boost the economic vitality of the Upper Delaware River region.

  • Our requests for additional water to address important recreational and ecological needs were met every time we asked.
  • Our position that the NYC Croton water supply system should increase water availability for the UDR has been validated.
  • Our comprehensive plan to protect waterways below the NYC Delaware reservoirs is underway.

We need you to help us build on this momentum!

If you care about the Upper Delaware River and want to learn how you can get involved to help ensure it's protection, please attend the 7th annual FUDR "Water, Water, Everywhere - Future of the Upper Delaware River" conference on October 19 at the West Branch Angler in Hancock, NY.

This year's one day event will focus on organizing strategies for 2017 to maintain our forward progress in protecting the river we all love.

The UDR conservation community is coming together like never before and 2017 will be a pivotal year for the future of the Upper Delaware River.