We've had a busy month raising awareness for our watershed and the resources it provides, and have lots to report. Please read on for exciting news from member blog posts and published op-eds to additional opportunities to support our conservation priorities and resources for your organizations. We are also very excited to welcome on 7 new members to our growing Coalition!
CDRW Updates
Delaware River Basin Conservation Act Sign On – We are thrilled to report that 65 organizations signed onto our letter calling on Congress to include the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act in the final conference report for the Water Resources Development Act! Thank you to all the organizations who joined us on this letter. Your loud and clear message lets Congress know that there is a substantial number committed stakeholders who care about this watershed.
Policy Priorities – Members of the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed are invited to propose policy priorities that will be advanced over the upcoming year. The priorities will guide the advocacy, messaging and communications, aand organizing efforts of the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed and the work that our staff does on a daily basis. These will be reviewed by our Policy Committee before approval at our Annual meeting coming up in 2017. To nominate a priority for the Coalition's consideration, please fill out this online form.
Land and Water Conservation Fund Coalition Letter – The LWCF Coalition is currently circulating a sign-on letter to support permanent authorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Similar to the DRBCA, permanent authorization of this critical program passed the Senate as part a larger bill, the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015, but was not included in the House. Click here to show your support for this important source of funding for our nations parks and recreational resources, big and small. Coalition staff will also be traveling down to Washington DC next month to advocate for this program with the LWCF Coalition.
Welcome to our newest members!
- Delaware Currents
- Friends of Cherry Valley
- Hancock Partners, Inc.
- New Jersey Future
- New Jersey Highlands Coalition
- Primrose Creek Watershed Association
- UrbanTrekkers
Member & Watershed NewsNJ Audubon In the News – Check out this great opinion piece published in the Courier Post by New Jersey Audubon President and CEO, Eric Stiles, on the importance of the Delaware River Watershed and passing the DRBCA.
Yo-Yo Releases in the Upper Delaware – Earlier this week, a combination of uncertain weather and reservoir releases raised concerns over flow issues in the Upper Delaware Region. Read this update from FUDR Executive Director, Jeff Skelding.
Musconetcong Watershed Association – MWA's Executive Director, Beth Styler Barry, is moving on to The Nature Conservancy. Beth has been an active member of our steering committee and important voice in our watershed - join us in wishing her the best in this next chapter! MWA will be hosting an evening of friendship and food to say thank you for 12 great years. Visit their website, for more information about this event.
Congratulations to Philadelphia Water on 5 Years of Green City, Clean Waters – In just five years, Philadelphia has "greened" hundred of acres, keeping more than 1.5 billion gallons of polluted water out of our rivers each year. Read more about this success of this program and what it means for our watershed in our latest blog post from PennFuture's Alice Baker.
AMC's Finish the Business Campaign – Appalachian Mountain Club launched a campaign earlier this month to advance conservation-focused legislation and policies before the end of 2016 including one of our top priorities, the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act! Share on social media using #FinishTheBusiness.
EPCAMR Advocates for Act to Support Coal Communities, Environmental Remediation, and Watershed Restoration – Learn about the work Coalition member, EPCAMR, is doing in our watershed and why abandoned mine reclamation is important for clean water in this guest blog.
2017 Watershed Congress (call for presenters) – The Watershed Congress Organizing Committee is now accepting proposals for presentations for the 2017 Watershed Congress, scheduled for March 11th at the Montgomery County Community College. Submissions due Oct 31, all applications must be submitted online.
PALTA Accepting Conference Workshop Proposals – Planning for the 2017 Pennsylvania Land Conservation Conference has begun! Experts in land and farmland preservation, stewardship, water protection, stream and wetlands restoration, stormwater management as well as organizational development, communications/outreach and other relevant topics are encouraged to submit proposals for workshops, roundtables, and seminars. Learn more on their website (applications due by November 4th).
Upcoming Events
11/2 & 11/10 at 1 pm – Source Water Collaborative Learning Exchange Webinar Series: Funding Source Water Protection
11/3 at 6 pm – Water Warriors Backyard Tips and Tricks Training
11/9 at 1:30 pm – Delaware River Basin Commission Public Hearing
11/14 at 5pm – Partnership for the Delaware Estuary's Oyster Happy Hour
11/17 at 5:30 pm – PennFuture's Post-Election Forum: The Future of Pennsylvania’s Environment
Find more watershed events on our calendar
FundingFunding Commitment to Accelerate Pennsylvania’s Nutrient Reductions – Earlier this month, partners including EPA and USDA announced a joint State-Federal strategy aimed at reducing nutrient pollution in Pennsylvania, with a focus on the Cheasapeake Bay Watershed. Read more about these funding opportunities here.
Funding Webinars – The national Source Water Collaborative has created two webinars (11/2, 11/10) as part of their Learning Exchange to provide inspiration, specific resources and guidance on funding for source water protection and watershed restoration. Note, the webinar on November 10th will feature the Schuylkill Action Network!
Jobs/InternshipsStewardship Manager, Delaware River City Corporation – The DCC has an exciting opportunity for a bright and enthusiastic individual to be its Stewardship Manager. This position is based out of Philadephia and is responsible for managing the built environment of the North Delaware Riverfront Greenway. Click here for more information.
Water Resources Engineer/Planner, Delaware River Basin Commission –The Commission is seeking a Water Resource professional with a background in engineering, planning or science to work in the Water Resource Planning Section. Applications are due by November 18th. Click here for more information.
Mid Atlantic Organizer, Trout Unlimited (Deadline extended) –
In the Delaware River Basin and other high-value watersheds in the Mid-Atlantic region, development pressures from energy production and transmission pose risks by leading campaigns that result in the protection of important coldwater habitats. The Mid-Atlantic Organizer will work with multiple stakeholders, including working closely with TU volunteers and other hunters and anglers, who are among the most effective advocates for conservation when given opportunities to engage with decision-makers. For more information, click here.