We were outraged that the promise of a fresh new year was tainted so quickly by the violent and shameful attacks in Washington. And yes, the attack was fueled by white supremacy and racism and incited by President Trump. Following the attack the Coalition’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Workgroup met and provided space for members to express their feelings from the day prior. This space to acknowledge the pain and frustration from the attack was vital for validating the emotions that workgroup members were holding with them during the work day.
Federal 2021 Budget Includes $10 Million for Delaware River Conservation
The Delaware River Basin Restoration Program (DRBRP) received $10 million in funding as part of the fiscal year 2021 Interior Appropriations bill approved by Congress and signed by the President, a modest increase from $9.7 million last year. The DRBRP will provide technical assistance and grant funds in 2021 to address the Delaware River Basin’s environmental challenges in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Early next year, government entities, non-profit organizations, and schools within the basin can apply for funds to implement on-the-ground restoration and conservation projects.
Imagine a #DayWithoutTheDelaware
Organizations within the Delaware River Basin come together every year on October 18 for a social media day of action around the Clean Water Act anniversary in order to raise awareness about the essential resources the river provides. The Clean Water Act is the nation’s foremost law for protecting the irreplaceable life-giving resource of clean, accessible water. The Act’s pollution control programs and surface water protections helped to ensure that we don’t have to go a day without the water, the wildlife, or the habitat of the Delaware River Basin.
CDRW's New Policy Priority Nominating Process for 2021
It’s hard to believe we’re closing in on likely the most unprecedented year of our lifetimes. Although the pandemic posed several obstacles to our work, the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed was still able to succeed on several fronts. From implementing watershed signage in two basin states to celebrating the enactment of the Great American Outdoors Act, together we remained adaptive and motivated.