Please Join Friends of the Upper Delaware and Partners at the 10th Annual Water, Water, Everywhere Conference
FUDR’s Water, Water, Everywhere conference is the best place for your one-stop shopping on all the pressing issues facing the Upper Delaware! There have been many exciting developments in the Upper Delaware River region this year that impact the river and our local communities.
Please consider attending FUDR's annual "Water, Water, Everywhere" conference on October 7 & 8 where you will receive the latest information about what's going on in the watershed.
Monday, October 7th
Join FUDR for a UDR Restoration Tour and see projects they’re working on.
Tuesday, October 8th
Attend to learn more about:
Stream Corridor Management Plan: Blueprint for UDR Water Resource Protection & Management
Securing Funding for UDR Watershed Protection and Restoration
Update on NYC Reservoir Management and Water Releases
NY/PA Joint UDR Fisheries Investigation Plan for the Upper Delaware River
The Do's and Don'ts of River Etiquette
Don’t miss this once a year opportunity to learn more about the challenges facing our river and what you can do to help!
Included with Registration: Social Hour Monday Evening, and Breakfast & Lunch on Tuesday
For more information, please click here!