Living in Pennsylvania, we value clean water. But, there are more miles of polluted streams in our state than in any other! Rather than taking steps toward safeguarding the health of our families, our rivers and our parks, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), against the desire of millions of Americans, has moved to repeal the very rule that protects the small streams that sustain the drinking water sources for nearly 1 in 3 Americans.
In the coming weeks, we expect the EPA to release a replacement of the science-based Clean Water Rule and we fear the worst!
Join NPCA, PennFuture, PennEnvironment, the Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership and United By Blue on July 19 to make your voice heard. We'll come together to collect comments, record videos and speak up for the water upon which we all depend.
Light hors d'oeuvres and beverages will be provided. Those who share their own clean water story will have the chance to win swag and river-based prizes! If you walk with us to the Race Street Pier (to shoot videos with the Delaware River as your backdrop), please wear comfortable shoes. Register online and learn more here.