The monthly New Jersey CDRW call is Tuesday, 2/14, at 1 pm. The call in number is (609) 447-2401 and there is no passcode.
On this month's call we will be having Kristin Zilcosky from NJLCV and CVPA discussing her digital outreach and list enhancement program. This year, she will be partnering with the CDRW to help Coalition members expand their digital reach as well as grow their member lists. Additionally, we will be discussing some exciting upcoming Coalition event.
The full agenda for the call is as follows:
- Updates on the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program (new version of the DRBCA)
- Information about the Coalition's annual member meeting
- Information about the upcoming hill day to talk to Congress Member in DC
- Kristin Zilcosky from NJLCV and CVPA will discuss how she can help you increase your organization's member list and better communicate with your members
- Additional upcoming events of interest
- Any member discussion