The Princeton Environmental Film Festival is taking place April 2-10, 2016 at the Princeton Public Library. On April 10th, they will feature the film 'A Watershed Moment: The Delaware River Basin," executive produced by Tom Lennon. Admission is free.
A Watershed Moment: The Delaware River Basin (Festival Premiere)
Executive produced by Tom Lennon
2016 | 12 min.
The film depicts the Delaware River Watershed, the stresses it faces and efforts underway by public and nonprofit groups to protect and restore it. The watershed, covering 14,000 square miles over four states from the Poconos to the Delaware Bay, provides drinking water for 15 million people and generates $25 million in economic activities. It faces "death by a thousand cuts" from growing development, agricultural and storm-water run-off, and in some places from energy infrastructure such as pipelines and transmission corridors. Using drone footage and interviews with scientists and activists, the film highlights these threats and profiles efforts underway by activists, landowners and others to protect forests, improve farm management and implement "green infrastructure" in Philadelphia to protect water quality. The film is an outgrowth of a growing citizen movement in the watershed called the Delaware River Watershed Initiative that seeks to focus attention, raise funding and implement actions to ensure the watershed's protection.
The screening will be followed by a Q&A with producer Joe Angier and Peter Howell, executive vice president of the Open Space Institute.
For more information on the film festival, visit